it was a hot day
i went back looking out the window
no one was ther except those mourning shadows
they seemed praying ...last prayers
we were talking busy
of the legends,of epics of glory
caught in a roller coaster of time....we met,
moments..caged long back in glass frames
faces that will smile not any more
we heard..stories that no one will ever know
long flourished generations...long cherished...
..ur 1st u learned to walk
each steps,each tile..each wall..
had a story to tell
stories of the legends.
its me,u,every1 out ther..oblivious;
ur first home...b4
u had everything and u became everything..
which is no mor, even to get nostalgic about
caught in time as u say.
i got the last glimpses
was it the grace of gods or coincidence
i was blessed...and it was the D day
the wind was blowing and we were silent
just when i thought the world would end.... it didn't
for it took all what we had...our first of all our first's
but it laid frozen somewhere....somewhere CAUGHT IN TIME
wrote when our ancestral home was demolished..