Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Martyrs' of Time

When you realized the greatest truth that you
Alone in this canyons of death
In your canoe with a broken oar .
For the turbulent time carries you
You started somewhere and somewhere

in the cross roads lost your way .
And this violent river carries all blindly ahead.
Some where you struck
Got wounded deep with pain .
These sharp rocks are harder still
Never softens with love .
And the wounds you got were deeper
For deeper wounds take more time to heal
Blindly heading to nowhere .

Everything was gorgeous for you
Near crouching death
Those souls went before
Lighted the path .
For you were in your own way
They would have made their ways
But vanished somewhere
In shadows caves or
Those haunting whirlpools
It swirled around them
And these blue waters tinged red .
For they where the martyrs of time
when the turbulent time carries you .
And you rowing to nowhere
........To a rapid in your way !

Applause to you and your voice echoing the valley
Applause to you and your race
For you were born just to die .
Blindly heading to nowhere
These open mouths…………
For you are the martyr of time.


  1. very good man... oru 'Neruda' touch undu.... like repeating the words "for" as a relation... nice one... loved it.... keep posting my dear,

  2. thanks Bro!
    You inspire me like the setting sun
    promising another day..
    like the drops of water promising
    to quench my thirst!

  3. over aayi alle?????Too much???
